Friday, February 19, 2010

Catholic Children Abused

Thousands of innocent children have been sexually abused by Catholic priests in Ireland over the last 50 years. To make matters worse, the Catholic Church has been covering it up!

Some people are calling this a "scandal", truly an understatement and a cover-up in itself. This is a crime against humanity. Surely criminal activity like this should be investigated by the police. Those directly responsible and others involved in the cover-up should be arrested, tried in court and imprisoned if found guilty.

"The secular powers in Ireland appear paralysed to bring to civil justice some of those who carried out acts of horrific abuse as well as those who assisted by acts of omission or even outright collusion after the fact". - John Kelly, Irish Survivors of Child Abuse, from The Age, Melbourne, 18 February 2010

Sexual abuse of children in Catholic priests is not confined to Ireland. Similar scenarios have been reported in USA, Canada, UK, Germany and Australia. The problem is endemic. The Catholic Church is a corrupt system. Ultimately responsibility lies with Pope Benedict XVI and his predecessors. After all, isn't the Pope the head of the Catholic Church?

Pope Benedict XVI said the Catholic Church would have to work hard to restore spiritual and moral credibility. It is too late for that. It's not enough to say "sorry" to victims and family, hold meetings to admonish bishops and make public statements about restoring faith in the Catholic Church. In a free and fair democracy the people would vote and the failed government would be swept away.


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