Tuesday, December 21, 2010

World War III

Prophets are frauds, and people who believe in prophecy are their victims. "Prophecy" has to be one of the biggest hoaxes ever perpetrated on human society. That's because prophecy is simply not possible. The reason for this will be blatantly obvious to any rational clear-thinking person: the future does not exist and is therefore unknowable!

In the USA the Christian Right are waiting for World War III. They think it's all just wonderful because it's foretold in the Bible: "Some groups within the Christian Right, such as the American Christian Zionists, believe the establishment of the state of Israel was a precursor to the Second Coming of Christ. They also claim that war between the Jews and Arabs was prophesied in the Bible. Ed McAteer, founder of the Moral Majority, said of the current [circa 2002] situation in the Middle East: "I believe that we are seeing prophecy unfold so rapidly and dramatically and wonderfully and, without exaggerating, makes me breathless".1

Is McAteer telling us that his God expects and wants war? It appears the Christian Right believe that war must happen because it is prophesied in the Bible. But war is never inevitable. Rather, war is the result of man's decisions and actions.

In the 1970's Hal Lindsey wrote in his international best seller The Late Great Planet Earth2 that recent and forthcoming world events were foreseen by the biblical prophets. Communism was perceived by Lindsey to be the greatest evil the world had ever known. The USSR would invade Israel. China would mobilise against Europe. World War III was imminent and nuclear holocaust was inevitable. Lindsey did a meticulous job of matching up world events with selected passages in the Bible. As it turned out, he got it all wrong. No surprises there!!!

Going back to 1929, Rev. W. Lamb suggests in his book Signs3 that Mussolini might be the Antichrist. Had he waited a few years he would have picked Hitler as the Antichrist. In the 1980's it probably would have been Pope John Paul II (he was critically wounded but recovered miraculously). Like Lindsey, Lamb carefully links events of the day to prophecies in the Bible and is thereby convinced the end is nigh. Who now remembers Lamb and his book?

Continued in next post: #The Late Great Planet Earth

1. Read more about The Christian Right on Wikipedea
2. Hal Lindsey, The Late Great Planet Earth, Bantam New York 1973
3. Rev. W. Lamb, Signs, Worker Trustees, Sydney 1929


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