Sunday, January 23, 2011

The Late Great Planet Earth

Prophecy in general, and biblical prophecy in particular, is always so obscure and confusing that an interpreter is needed to try and make sense of it. Interpreting the Bible used to be the prerogative of priests and debate was not permitted. But now anyone is allowed to have a go. You have to wonder though: why are prophetic writings always so difficult, if not impossible, to understand? Why have a prophecy that's just for "he who has understanding"? And what is the point of a prophecy that only makes sense retrospectively? It's all so melodramatic!

If you have 1000 monkeys typing continuously for 1000 years then eventually one of them will type a few words that are intelligible. That's exactly how prophecy works. If you wait long enough and try hard enough, eventually you will find a few words in the prophecy that appear to make sense, when taken in a particular context to support your particular argument (some clever fudging helps too).

Here's a typical example: Hal Lindsey writes in his 1970's book The Late Great Planet Earth that "At the time of the end the king of the south shall attack him, but the king of north shall rush upon him like a whirlwind, with chariots and horsemen, and with many ships (Daniel 11:40)" and "blood will stand to the horses' bridles for a total distance of 200 miles northward and southward of Jerusalem (Revelation 14:20)". Lindsey says this means the Russian army will "make both an amphibious and land invasion of Israel" and then "sweep over the Arab countries as well as Israel in a rapid assault over to Egypt to secure the entire land bridge."

Good grief!!! How did Lindsey arrive at that? He was completely wrong too, because it didn't happen. The scenario he described was unlikely in the 1970's and it's even more unlikely now. Since World War II there has been no mobilisation on the scale he envisaged and there will probably never be again. Nuclear weapons, guided missiles, space-age aircraft and remote-controlled weaponry have changed the nature of warfare. There's no place for infantry, cavalry, chariots and troopships. Furthermore, the only relatively large scale mobilisation of armed forces since WWII has not been by Russia at all, rather it's been the USA in Korea, Vietnam, Iraq and Afghanistan. Where is that predicted in the Bible, or by Nostradamus, Edgar Cayce, Gurdjieff, Madame Blavatsky, et al.?


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