Friday, March 19, 2010

The Celestine Energy

Why is James Redfield so obsessed with the word "energy"? He uses it 390 times in his book The Celestine Prophecy1. This has to be a record of sorts! He also has a thing about "vibration". Is it because "energy" and "vibration" are his favourite New Age buzz words? Was he humming the old Beach Boys song Good Vibrations as he was writing his book?

I could be wrong about this. Maybe Redfield has he been reading up on string theory. He believes that everybody consists of energy vibrations. Wow, why didn't Stephen Hawking2 think of that? I suppose it could be true. On the sub-atomic level matter is just another form of energy (so the theory goes).

Redfield thinks that as people structure their lives around his "Ten Insights" their vibration increases and eventually they become invisible spiritual beings. Although he doesn't use the term "frequency" in his book, one supposes he means that the frequency of the vibration increases. He tells us that at a certain frequency the invisible spirit can cross over to heaven. This, he says, is what happened to Jesus Christ. By using Redfield's system it seems you don't even have to die to go to heaven!!! No scientific evidence or logical explanation is offered in the book to support Redfield's grand hypothesis, but who needs evidence?

This is what he writes: "The Ninth Insight...says that as we humans continue to increase our vibration, an amazing thing will begin to happen. Whole groups of people, once they reach a certain level, will suddenly become invisible to those who are still vibrating at a lower level. It will appear to the people on this lower level that the others just disappeared, but the group themselves will feel as though they are still right here, only they will feel will signal that we are crossing the barrier between this life and the other world from which we came and to which we go after death. This conscious crossing over is the path shown by the Christ. He opened up to the energy until he was so light he could walk on water. He transcended death right here on Earth, and was the first to cross over, to expand the physical world into the spiritual. His life demonstrated how to do this, and if we connect with the same source we can head the same way, step by step. At some point everyone will vibrate highly enough so that we can walk into heaven, in our same form."

1. James Redfield, The Celestine Prophecy, Bantam Melbourne 1994.
2. Read more about Stephen Hawking on Wikipedia.


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